Friday, 18 November 2011

Lesson 4

This is my journal for my lesson 4, in this lesson we looked at peoples case study presentations for pre title designers. I also presented my PowerPoint on the designer of my choice and in the second half of the lesson we carried on the task from last week on the new idea for the pre title sequence of Groundhog Day. For the task of Groundhog Day we had to come up with a way of presenting our idea to the class. So my group decided to make a shot of what you would see in the opening sequence of for our new idea on Groundhog Day. The shot consisted of a man and woman together on an ice rink in London with the typography above saying the title of the film ‘Groundhog Day’.
In my opinion I think the first half of the lesson helped me very much with my confidence when present to the class but at the same time it also gave me ideas as once I had presented mine I was able to take notes of others peoples pre title sequences used and see if there was any ideas that I could gather from them for my own pre title sequence. Some of the ideas that I got for watching other peoples case studies were, what designers I could possible look at next with regards to my own research also how I could go about doing certain title sequences for specific genres. Also the ideas that I got from these presentations were specific aspects that I could use in my ideas for my pre title sequence when I come to making it.
I think the second part of this lesson helped me more with regards to when It comes to me making my own pre title sequence as I was able to put myself in the shoes of pre title designer and had to come up with the idea for the title sequence of Groundhog Day and in my opinion I thinks it’s harder to make a pre title sequence for a film that already exists as you have to communicate what will happen within the film and it’s a lot harder to do that then make up your own idea and concept for a film and create the title sequence because then it’s your own idea and you can adapt it in any way you like, where as a film that’s already been made can’t be adapted.
In-conclusion I think this lesson helped me in many different aspects when it comes to pre title sequence and my own skills. It helped me in many ways when it comes to my pre title sequence as I was given more ideas for what I could do for my pre title sequence and also gave me more options for what I could do for the genre of my pre title sequence. Also my pre title sequence ideas and skills were boosted by the second half of the lesson and developing my skills of linking the typography with certain films and what font, colour and size the typography should be in the film. Furthermore my skills and knowledge of what to do for pre title sequences was further boosted by the fact that I now pay more closer concentration to how I frame my work and what I include within the frame when either taking a picture of even when filming my pre title sequence, as every little detail within the frame makes that world of difference. Finally my own skills were boosted by this lesson as presenting my Case Study to the class gave me confidence a big boost as it taught me that is shouldn’t be scared or in any way nervous to present my work as it is my class that I know and any feedback that I get back on my work is an added bonus as it once again improves my skills within myself and with my work so it is a very big bonus for me in general.

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