Monday, 28 November 2011

Ground Hog Day Presentation And Thinking Of Ideas For A New Film That We Will Make The Pre Title Sequence For

In this lesson each group presented their own idea of the pre title sequence for the British version of Ground hog day. We then gave each others presenting skills and the ideas itself a mark out of 10 and gave feedback on what was interesting about the idea, what was good about the idea, also what could be improved about the idea of the pre title sequence. We went through each group’s idea and they presented either a picture of series of pictures they had made in Photoshop in order to communicate to the audience what there thoughts and ideas for this remake of the pre title sequence Ground Hog Day was about. When each of the groups presented their work they each had to justify why they used that certain picture, why they used the typology and what their whole idea from start to finish is for the pre title sequence of Ground hog day.

When it came to presenting my idea for the pre title sequence, the presentation of the pictures we had made went okay, but when getting feedback on our work, the feed back was very helpful and made me understand more as to just what a pre title sequence is. Such as some of the feedback that we got from other people was things such as it sounded to much like the trailer to the film and that we was giving the film away a bit too much with what would be included within the pre title sequence. The feedback was very helpful with my own understanding of pre title sequences and my group’s ideas on pre title sequences, as now we know exactly what we are looking to do when trying to make our own pre title sequence for the new film idea we have made.

Further on in the lesson after all the group’s in the class had presented their idea for the British remake of the pre title sequence for film Ground hog day, we then moved onto brainstorming a few ideas for our own pre title sequence and coming up with a whole new idea for a film as then it would be easier for the groups to be able to make their film as then they would know the film in and out and would be able to create a pre title sequence that best communicated to the audience some of the themes and patterns that may happen throughout the film. During that lesson we wasn’t meant to think about the pre title sequence of the film, but just to think about the film itself and the characters we would use and how the narrative would unfold. My group made a brainstorm of these ideas and made sure to cover all angles of creating a film idea and this is what I have sown in the brainstorm below, my group’s ideas for the idea of our film, which we will later make a pre title sequence for.

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