Wednesday, 28 December 2011

Finishing Storyboard and Deciding On Typography For Our Pre Title Sequence

In this lesson we finished our storyboard for our pre title sequence and moved on to making the questionnaire for our typography for the rest of the class to decide which they liked best and which they thought suited our film best. Michael made the questionnaire and we as a group decided on which fonts we wanted to put on the questionnaire. Below is our questionnaire that we handed to the class.

This is the questionnaire that we gave to our class in order to see which title they liked best and which they thought best sutied our narrative and pre title sequence idea. The font title that the class liked best was this one below.

The class said they liked this one best as it was the font that looked the match when thinking of our pre title sequence. They also said that this font is a type of comical font which best indicated to the audience the theme of fluidness and the fact that the film we had done a pre title sequence for would be from the comedy genre.

In this lesson we looked at many font designs and picked out the ones we thought looked best to suit our pre title sequence and communicated comedy to the audience. The list of fonts which we have shown above are the ones that we gave to the audience on a sheet for them to decide which ones they like out of the list. We then took the answers from the class and decided based on their opinions aswell as our own and we decided that the typology above on its own should be the typology that we'd use in our pre title sequence.

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