Thursday, 12 January 2012

My Production Plan

In our calendar we have planned to start our filming on the 19th of january and as we only need one day to shoot all of our shots, then we could edit the next day on friday the 20th. The benefits of only needing to shoot all of our titlke sequence in one location is the fact that we can then get it all shot in one day and save time from moving everywhere and having to film in so many different places.

As you can see above this is our calendar for JaMiDo productions. This calendar indicates to us, when our deadline is, when we are shooting, re shooting, editing and re editing. The overall pattern of our production plan is that we have one day to shoot and then three days to edit what we have shot, we would then re shoot anything that we have done wrong or needed to re shoot and then spend the same amount of time (three days) to re edit the the re shoot that we have done. Finally we would then do one final re shoot before the deadline and do a final edit and make sure that everything is finished and that the video does not need any more editing or any more footage being added to it.

For each of the shoots and re shoots we would need the next few things in order to shoot what we need to; A pizza, a pizza box, a dolly for the camera, a tripod, crisps, a big bottle of drink, chocolate and other items of food that can be placed around a same table that the main character will have his feet up on. The only things that will cost for the shooting and re shooting of this video will be the pizza and the pizza box because the rest of the items that we need will either supplied by the school or we will get them from Mikes house as that is where we are shooting and he has most of the things that we need already in his home.

The potential issues that may arise would be to do with the camera and the movement on the dolly as the grooves in Mike's floor would effect the steadiness of the camera and would make the footage look bumpy. We plan to battle this by going slower with the dolly and to possibly put cardboard down where the parts are most uneven in order to keep it steady. The only other problem that i could think of with regards to the footage would be to do with the actor as Mike (the main actor 'Andrew Anderson') is unsure of when to move and eat the things that he needs to as we planned in the title sequence storyboard, we are going to counter this by talking through out the video by giving Mike instructions on what to do. Then once we put it in final cut pro we would then remove the sound and just have our music placed in the background of the video like it is planned in the title sequence storyboard.

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